Thursday, February 09, 2006

It is any wonder why I live in Austin?

In just a few weeks it will be 6 years since we moved to Austin. Since going off to college, the only town I've lived in longer was Fayetteville, which really doesn't count because 4 of those 7 years were spent in college.

Now it makes sense why I've stayed in Austin so long. According to this quiz, Austin is the American city that best suits me. Which city best suits you?


American Cities That Best Fit You:

60% Austin

55% Atlanta

55% Honolulu

55% Miami

55% Washington, DC


Anonymous said...

thanks for the link to that quiz. I took it assuming Austin wouldn't even make my list, but bam!

American Cities That Best Fit You:
75% Austin
60% Atlanta
50% Denver
50% Honolulu
50% Las Vegas

dquack said...

Hell, Jim, I figured that Oakland would be your #1 city. At least for Sept-Dec ('cause let's face it, it will be a long time before the Raiders make the January playoffs).