Saturday, March 19, 2005

When pigs fly!

Or at least when they dive. We read an article in today's Austin American Statesman about a pig who was part of a diving show and died mid-dive. I guess it's part of a touring act, where some pigs race and some dive off high dives. Big Red, the dead diving pig, was performing at the Star of Texas Rodeo here in Austin. Needless to say I was quite embarrassed to learn that Virgil and Velma (I am not making up these names), the owners of the pig show are from Arkansas. Doug has been teasing me all morning. The entire thing just sounds too redneck. But if you want a laugh, check out Randall's High Diving Racers Web site.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kinda' makes me want to join People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals...